Animation Derby 05 (ウマ娘 プリティーダービー ANIMATION DERBY 05, Uma Musume Pretty Derby ANIMATION DERBY 05) is an album released after the anime aired, featuring songs by characters from Team Spica and a version of Umapyoi Densetsu sung by Trainer.
Track Listing[]
The CD includes the following tracks:
- Watashi no Shirushi wa Daihonmei ◎ (わたしの印は大本命◎)
- Koi wa Derby☆ (恋はダービー☆)
- Rising Girl
- Goal To My SHIP
- Waiting for Tomorrow
- Silent Star
- Special Record!
- Umapyoi Densetsu (うまぴょい伝説)
- Performer: Trainer
- Composer: Akihiro Honda (Cygames)
- Arrangement: Akihiro Honda (Cygames)
- Lyrics: Akihiro Honda (Cygames)